Sarah Fleur - A dress for every occasion
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Lys model rhinestone bandage dress

Offer €62.93
PVP: €89.90
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Short black bandage fabric elastic dress with rhinestones on the neckline.




More information

A spectacle of a bandage dress of high quality design and fabric.

It is dazzling and incredibly sophisticated.

This is an elastic bandage dress (10% spantex) Thick, slimming and silhouette-shaping effect.

Invisible back zipper.

Wonderful rhinestones in the neckline area, silvered with high-quality diamonds.

In definitively a new model that has come to triumph.

Feel like a goddess with this elegant and sensual dress ideal for all your celebrations.

Comments (1)

| 11/06/2024 | Verified purchase
Lys model rhinestone bandage dress

Es un vestido que te hace una figura espectacular,super enamorada 🥰 un encanto 😍 Sara es una persona maravillosa que te guía y te aconseja,y te aporta seguridad ala hora de comprar como siempre repetire

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